This mod checks your system calendar for the current date and then changes the texture pack to a seasonally specific set of textures. The seasons do not change in-game, nor are any of the game features and mechanics changed. The textures simply change month to month the same as the seasons in real life, thus the name Real Life Seasons.
t them somewhere else so long as all of the contents remain in the same location.
Instructions for using custom texture packs:
- 1. Extract the CustomRealLifeSeasons Launcher folder for the intended operating system from the archive to any location on your computer. You can rename the folder and even take the files out and put them somewhere else so long as all of the contents remain in the same location.
- 2. This pack contains the default Minecraft textures modified for seasonal rotation. If you wish to use a custom texture pack for a given season*, simply copy that texture pack in to the CustomTexturePacks folder, remove the season you wish to replace, and rename the intended texture pack to the appropriate file name,,,, or (must keep this naming convention for the file to be interpreted by the launcher).
- 3. The launcher for this pack will autimatically pick up the packs you’ve inserted and conform them to the seasonal rotator format, then complete the rest of the rotation operation.
- 4. Continue from step 3. above.
There is included in the CustomTexturePacks folder a Paint.NET layered texture file with a masking layer set to common seasonal foliage textures. Feel free to use this as a method of converting your own texture packs to seasons.
Calendars: (inverted for southern hemisphere*)
Custom Real Life Seasons A Brave New WorldJan - Winter Season Jan - Winter SeasonFeb - Winter Season Feb - Spring HolidayMar - Spring Season Mar - Spring SeasonApr - Spring Season Apr - Spring SeasonMay - Spring Season May - Summer SeasonJun - Summer Season Jun - Summer SeasonJul - Summer Season Jul - Summer HolidayAug - Summer Season Aug - Summer SeasonSep - Fall Season Sep - Fall SeasonOct - Fall Season Oct - Fall HolidayNov - Fall Season Nov - Fall SeasonDec - Winter Season Dec - Winter Holiday
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