Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 10, 2014

Shared Inventories Plugin 1.7.2

Shared Inventories allows you to have the same inventory across multiple servers if configured. Works in the same way a cloud does. The inventories are stored in a MySQL database for easy access.

With the database you can have it so items can be added form a website to the players inventory.

This plugin now supports Shared Inventories over BungeeCord. To configure for use with BungeeCord, see below.

How to Use Single Server

  1. Download the plugin

  2. Place into Plugins directory and start then stop server. (This will create the initial config.yml)

  3. Configure the config.yml to your liking for your MySQL Server

  4. Start server again.

How to Use with BungeeCord and Multiple Servers

  1. Download the plugin

  2. Place into Plugins directory and start then stop server. (This will create the initial config.yml)

  3. Configure the config.yml to your liking for your MySQL Server

  4. Start server again.

  5. Download the ‘SharedInventories_BungeePlugin‘ and place into your BungeeCord plugin directory.

  6. Restart your BungeeCord Server and your Bukkit Servers

Items Store in MySQL

The items stored in MySQL tables are as follows:

  • Player Information (i.e Player Name,Player Level,Player Xp, Player Health, Player Hunger, Players Co-ordinates, Whether player is online or offline)

  • Players Inventory (Including custom display names on items, enchantments and any Lore’s on items.) Enchantments, Lore and Display Names are put back on items when you log back into the server).

How Does it work?

When a server has Shared Inventories installed and you log off, all your items in your inventory is stored in a MySQL Database. So when you log back onto that server all your items will be in your inventory again.

Q: Doesn’t Minecraft do this anyway?

A: Yes it does, however this plugin allows you to do this on multiple servers. So if a server owner has 2 or more servers you can keep the same inventories across all servers. Inventories.png


The config for Shared Inventories is pretty simple. Add your MySQL Information and if you only want the players to be logged into one server at a time then enable that option. And thats it. Sample config:

SharedInventories:  EnableStackTraces: true  EnableBungee: true  EnableMultipleLogins: true  MySQL:    Host:    DatabaseName: Minecraft    Username: mc    Password: mc123    Port: 3306SQLUpdates:  Tables:    s_invent_playerInfo: NONE    s_invent_playerInventory: NONE    s_invent_playerItemEnchants: NONE

So simple, alter the MySQL Data for your server. The ‘EnableStackTraces‘ option is for the console, if you get an error and have this enabled you will see the full error, otherwise you will get a formatted error.

If the ‘EnableMultipleLogins‘ is set to false, then if the player is logged in on another server and they attempt to log in on another server (multiple logins where ‘Shared Inventories‘ are enabled) then they will receive the following message:

If you are using BungeeCord, then set ‘EnableBungee‘ to true. Inventories1.png

The ‘SQLUpdates:‘ section, DO NOT EDIT THIS. This is if I need to do updates to the database in future updates.


Console Commands Only:

/shared-unblockUse this is the player is not logged into another server, but when they log in it says they are.

Ingame Commands:

/shared-import – In multiple servers go onto them and use this command to import your items to the database.

/shared-import-finish – Run this command once you have imported all your inventories from each server to complete the process. Then when you next login, your items will be coming from the database.

Other Info

This plugin utilizes Hidendra’s plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier

  • The server’s version of Java

  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode

  • The plugin’s version

  • The server’s version

  • The OS version/name and architecture

  • The core count for the CPU

  • The number of players online

  • The Metrics version

You can opt out of this if you want too.

Shared Inventories Plugin 1.7.2 Download Links

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