Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 10, 2014

ServerMinimap Plugin 1.7.4


This plugin allows you to provide a minimap to your users, without any client mod by using the vanilla maps. You can configure the scale, updatetime and colors at which blocks are rendered. There is also a option to show other players on the minimap.

The plugin is based on a idea from toxictroop and the team at: Request Thread

This plugin will break with every Minecraft update or major CraftBukkit update. It currently supports: 1.7.2, 1.6.4 (latest RB) and maybe 1.5.2 (latest RB, untested)

Beta Notice

This plugin is in beta state. If you find bugs, please report them. Also, this plugin can use big amounts of CPU, Bandwidth and RAM, depending on your settings.


This plugin utilises Hidendra’s plugin metrics system. You can opt-out under <yourPluginFolder>/PluginMetrics/config.yml

The following informations will be collected:

  • A unique identifier

  • The server’s version of Java

  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode

  • The plugin’s version

  • The server’s implementation and game version

  • The OS version/name and architecture

  • The core count for the CPU

  • The number of players online

  • The Metrics version

  • Your online-mode

  • Your server location

  • Your config values for scale, runPerTicks and chunksPerRun


Installing is, as every Bukkit plugin, just downloading and moving into the plugins folder. After the first run, the plugin should create a default config with default values.

When you start up the server, it’ll tell you which mapID the plugin uses together with a command to obtain the map a OP.


scale Biggers scales need more CPU to render the map in the first run, while using less RAM to cache the values. The factor of rendering time is 2^(scale*2), meaning scale 4 needs 256 times more time to render than scale 0.

runPerTicks After how much ticks (1/20 sec) the plugin should calculate the current renderer queue. Higher values give the server more time to recover from lag, lower values allow the server to distribute the load more evenly. (I recommend lower values)

chunksPerRun This value determins who much 16×16 pixelblocks (map chunks) and block changes are rendered per run. Higher values will speed up the rendering of new areas, while using more CPU resources in a shorter timespan (if there is enough to render). Every map chunk is only rendered once after a server start. Make sure this value is not too low, otherwise the renderer may be slower than the queue is filled.

fastTicks This value allows you to set the time in ticks (1/20 sec) after which users with the permission “minimap.fastupdate” get a complete update of the map. The additional bandwidth usage of every complete send is about 16KiB per Update, per player.

canSeeOthers When activated, every player can see other player’s on their minimap. This may be changed when plugins modify the MinimapPlayerCursorEvent.

mapID This is the id of the map, the plugin uses. It will be shown every server startup in log. It is no recommended to change this id unless you know that a map with the new id already exists.

Default Configuration

scale: 0chunksPerRun: 4runPerTicks: 5fastTicks: 20canSeeOthers: true


minimap.fastupdate Makes a full update of the player’s minimap every defined amount of ticks. Uses big amounts of Bandwidth. Player’s without this node may need to stand still for about 5 seconds to have a clear map.

ServerMinimap Plugin 1.7.4 Download Links

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