Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 9, 2014

Points of Interest Plugin 1.7.2

This is one of those plugins where you simply configure before-hand what you want to give a player for a one-time reward. You can do any console command to reward your players for click on the signs.

Core Features

This plugin uses Signs and a config to refer to. It stores all the players who have clicked the sign. This is an example of the config:

sign:  1:    - give @p 1 1    - give @p 2 1  2:    - give @p 3 1    - give @p 4 1

Place down a sign and match the following lines with the sign:




On These Lines

When you’re done, the top line will glow blue. Simply right click the sign and it will perform the command you’ve configured for you because it knows your name. If you right click again, it will tell you that you’ve already done it and cannot receive again.


  • poi.reward.receive: Allows players to use POI signs.

  • poi.admin: Allows the creation of POI signs.


No commands for this plugin, only signs and configuration.

Points of Interest Plugin 1.7.2 Download Links

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