PermissionMessages will send messages on a configurable timer to players with a configurable permission. The possibilities are endless! You can send different announcements on a per group basis, you can send donator only messages to donator groups, you can even create a reminder for yourself!
- Unlimited amount of implementations
- Serverwide messages tied to permissions
- Lightweight
- Highly Configurable
- In-game configuration
- Multiworld Support
- Easy time system
- Ability to create random timers
- Ability to create random message selections
- Ability to cycle through messages
Player Permissions:
- permissionmessages.<yourConfigPermission> - Sends the messages in the config to the players with this permission.
- permissionmessages.silence - Allows the use of /pm silence
Admin Permissions:
- permissionmessages.reload - Allows the use of /pm reload
- permissionmessages.create - Allows the use of /pm create
- permissionmessages.add - Allows the use of /pm add
- permissionmessages.remove - Allows the use of /pm remove
- permissionmessages.list - Allows the use of /pm list
- - Allows the use of /pm help
Aliases are: /permmsg, /permmsgs, /permissionmsgs
Player Commands:
- /pm silence - Toggle silence mode. When enabled, you will not hear ANY messages from the plugin.
Admin Commands:
- /pm help - Returns a help menu.
- /pm reload - Reload the config and the timers.
- /pm create <permission> <time> <method> <message> - Create a non-existing permission.
- /pm add <permission> <message> - Add a message to an existing permission.
- /pm remove <permission> - Remove a permission and it’s messages from the config and game.
- /pm list - List all of the currently loaded Permission Messages.
PermissionMessages 1.6.4 Download Links
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