(Commands for OPs)
Commands for watching players, hiding and unhiding from players, and checking player inventory and armor.
/cop watch {player}
- or -
/cop w {player}
To hide yourself from a player then teleport to them
/cop return
- or -
/cop r
To return to your last location and unhide yourself.
/cop hide
Hides yourself from all players, makes you invisible, removes your name from the players list, and sends a “left the game” message to simulate quitting the server.
/cop unhide
To reverse hiding from the players, makes you visible, adds your name to the players list, and sends a “joined the game” message to simulate joining the server.
/cop inventory {player}
- or -
/cop i {player}
To see a list of all the items the player is carrying and the armor they are wearing.
/cop name {player_realname} {player_newname)
To change the player’s name. This is done via a Bukkit API, and only effects the on screen chat name, and the player list, not the player list accessed from the tab key.
/cop names
Resets all player names that were changed back to their real names. Only effects player names like the above /cop name command.
/cop speak {player} {message}
To make a player say something or to perform a command.
/cop list
To list all players that are currently hidden by Cop.
/cop alert {player}
- or -
/cop a {player}
Sends a tone to a player and a red message “[ALERT] from ” and the senders name.
/cop tones
- or -
/cop t
Toggles on or off a player join tone that is sent you you.
/cop help
To see the syntax of all commands.
Allowed to use the watch command (default: op)
Allowed to use the hide and unhide commands (default: op)
Allowed to use the inventory command (default: op)
Allowed to use the list command (default: false)
Allowed to use the name and names commands (default: false)
Allowed to use the alert command (default: false)
Allowed to use the tones command (default: false)
Allowed to use the speak command (default: false)
Allowed to use the speak command on other players with the speak command (default: false)
Allowed to send commands via the speak command (default: false)
Allowed to use the help command (default: op)
Message Formating:
Default Join Message: $YELLOW$NAME joined the game.
Default Quit Message: $YELLOW$NAME left the game.
To change the messages see the Messages Section of the config.yml file.
You may use the following keywords within your messages, they must be in uppercase:
The <NONE> keyword is used by itself, and will tell Cop to not display a message.
Cop Plugin 1.7.2 Download Link
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