The famous Conquest mode from the Battlefield Games comes to Minecraft!
With an easy way to setup, you can start very quickly!
How it works:
You have two team, Team Red and Team Blue. Both Teams start with the same amount of tickets, wich are reduced by deaths or taken Flags. There are 5 Flags, wich can be taken by standing next to them. If the Flag reaches 100%, the enemy Team constantly loses Tickets. The Team wich reaches 0 Tickets loses.
So far it contains:
- Stats shown in the Scoreboard
- two Teams
- five captureable Points (called Flags)
- a Timer
- tickets
How to get started
- download the latest .jar File
- put it in your plugins Folder and start/restart your Server
- go in the config File and edit the world in wich you want to play
- reload your Server
- set the Spawn-Points/Flags with “/c set <Flag>” (Details below)
- let the Players join
- everybody has to join a Team witch “/c join”
- start the Game with “/c start”
- Capture the Points or kill your Enemies to bring theire tickets to 0
- the Team who reaches 0 tickets, loses
If a player hasn’t joined a Team, he can damage and kill all persons!
I suggest use it as the only plugin/game on your server, because it might affect other games!
/c equals /conquest!
/c join | join the smaler Team
/c leave | leave your current Team
/c list | lists both Teams Players
/c spawn <Flag> | Sets Spawnpoint to A,B,C,D,E or Spawn (you must have captured the Flag to 100%)
/c start | start the Match (must be op)
/c stop | stop the Match (must be op)
/c set <flag> | Set the Flags/Spawns, there are the Flags A,B,C,D and E. And the Spawns: Red, Blue and Spawn (Spawn is for all Players in no team) (must be op)
Not done yet!
GameWorld: the world Conquest should run (String)
tickets: amount of tickets a Team has at the Beginning (Integer)
ticketsLosePerFlag: Amount of tickets the enemy Team loses per Flag you have captured (Double)
percentPerPerson: the speed of how fast one Person takes a Flag (so if its 5 and one Person is taking it, you get 5% per second) (Integer)
forceGM: true/false if true, everybody is forced to Gamemode Adventure (only Op, wich aren’t playing won’t be affected)
showWelcome: true/false Toggle the Welcome Message
WelcomeMsg: Message shown when someone joins the Server
AutoRestart: true/false Toggle if after a Round a new one starts
maxPlayer: maximum Amount of Players (Red Team + Blue Team)
- there is some work to do, these are just the major points!
- add Ability to give the Players Kits (wip)
Conquest Plugin 1.7.2 Download Link
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