Ladies and Gentlemen, feast your eyes upon the parkour spectacular that is Nemesis’ Vengance. Nemesis, the Greco-Roman goddess of vengeance has returned to wage war on humanity
The Starting Area
The Starting Area
The Timer (As seen from the Observation Tower)
Primary Transition Area
An example of a GREEN level.
An example of an IRON level.
An example of a GOLD level.
An example of a Section-to-Section Transition Area
An example of a DIAMOND level.
An example of a NETHER BRICK level.
An example of an OBSIDIAN level.
The Boss Room Transition Area
The Boss Room
Optional: Beat the Clock! (Finish the game in the shortest time possible. Current record is: 99h:59m:59s, set by: Default)
Mod: Rei’s Minimap
Texture Pack:!a1ADgIgC!ccSdCWoD3De5O7Dnx4Myy3-I9ecjKsd28CqH8cM-toY
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