Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 8, 2014

Nature Overhaul Mod 1.7.2


Ever thought Minecrafts tree and forest system was rather unrealistic? Boring? Uneventful? Then this mod is for you.

In a Nature Overhauled world, forests will grow, flourish, then die, they will expand, then contract. They will try to spread over deserts and fail! Saplings will grow from trees, fly on the wind, then spawn a new tree where they fall. Though, they can die in this process if the world is unfavourable! A desert will kill a new born sapling.

The plants, mushrooms, cactii, reeds and pumpkins of your world will also reproduce and spread their kin far and wide. They too will form intricate ecosystems. Based on biome their growth, death and spread rates change!


  • Plants and trees grow, spread and die based on biome

  • Lumberjack means axes will cut down the entire tree at once, including the leaves

  • Apples drop from trees in temperate biomes

  • Cocoa falls from trees in forests

  • Bonemeal will make all types of plants and fauna grow

  • Biome based growth rates

  • Moss and grass spread

  • An option to return old, infinite, fire behaviour (Misc Options)

  • A fix to water physics preventing strange currents in the sea

  • Mushrooms now grow naturally into mushroom trees given room.

  • Nether Wart grows and dies like other plants

  • Nature Overhaul can check for updates for itself automatically.

  • Now has extentions!



How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge

  • Download the mod

  • Go to %appdata%

  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder

  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it

  • If one does not exist you can create one

  • Enjoy the mod

Download Links:

For 1.5.2

For 1.6.x

For 1.7.2

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