Eldaria is a custom terrain map of 3400 blocks by 3100 blocks with a lot of diferent biomes
A few of them :
- Unique montain biome
- River and waterfalls
- Volcanoes
- Rainforest
- 256 blocks high montains
- Skyrim inspired biomes
- Unique desert biomes
- God trees biomes
The map contain caves, ravines, Mineshaft, dongeons, strongholds and even custom caves !
What is the mods version?
- The mods version is for people using mods that generate new block / structure on the map. A perfect example is the tekkit mod pack.
- If you sue mods that don’t affect the map ( TMI, optifine, MoCreatures, timber, etc )
- You don’t have to use the Mods version.
- Not all the mods will be compatible, post the mods you have tested bellow with resultats to help others !
Mods that requiere the mods version:
- Tekkit, note: compatible but redpower generate volcano like crazy, disable it to prevent it
- FTB ( Feed The Beast )
- FTB Ultimate (read note 1 )
- Tropicraft
- Prety much all the mods that adds new ores or blocks
How to instal the map in solo:
- First download one of the 3 version as explained above
- Unzip the .zip file you have downloaded on your desktop for example
- Go to the start button of windows and type the search bar :
- %appdata%.minecraftsaves
- Copy or cut the folder you have just extracted into the the saves folder you opened
- Open your game, th saves you should be in your save menu now
- Load the map and enjoy !
How to instal the map in multiplayer (bukkit):
- First download one of the 3 version as explained above
- Unzip the .zip file you have downloaded on your desktop for example
- Rename the folder as “world” (withotu the quotes)
- Make a backup of your previous world folder of your server and also the world_nether and hte world_end folder ( if needed )
- Copy the renamed world folder into the main server folder ( where the server.propreties is located )
- Run the server, the map will be loaded, bukkit will also copy the nether and end in their own folder
- Connect to your server and enjoy !
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