Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 1, 2014

EasyMenu Plugin 1.7.2

Easy Menu

Did you ever wish there was a simple and quick solution to doing everything you need? Using several commands a lot, and want to be able to use them all really quickly without needing to type all the time? Well, i did. So i made Easy Menu!


(Red is not implemented yet and will come in future versions)

  • Open a virtual menu with clickable options to do everything you want!

  • Permissions

  • Toggle Night / Day, Weather, Restore Health and Food and set gamemodes (more to come)

  • Put a Menu chest in your inventory, so you can just click it to open it instead of typing the command!

  • Do configurable commands when a slot is clicked

  • Change blocks / items in the slots, names, lores etc. in config

  • Make menu size configurable in config

Commands and Permissions

/menu openOpens the virtual
/menu getPlaces a Menu chest in your inventoryeasymenu.get
Allows you to click on slot number # (Most left is 1, most right is 9 and removes the menu chest)easymenu.use.#
Allows you to use all slotseasymenu.use.*
All permissionseasymenu.*

Config and current slots

As i have just started making plugins 3 weeks ago, i haven’t read tutorials yet on how to make stuff configurable. However, i already made everything else needed for the plugin to work, so i decided to post it already. Configurable stuff will be added in the next version as soon as possible. Current options that each slot do are:

  • 1 – Set gamemode to Survival

  • 2 – Set gamemode to Creative

  • 3 – Toggle Day / Night

  • 4 – Toggle Weather

  • 5 – Heal and feed yourself

  • 9 – Remove the Menu Chest out of your inventory


# Make everything configurable, including names, display blocks / items, commands and messages# More options# Configurable menu size# Sounds? Mmm.. opinions?

Feel free to leave suggestions or comments. I love suggestions and i will read all of them. Also, if there is a bug, please tell me as soon as possible, either by commenting or making a ticket. If you feel generous, and want to buy me a Pizza, consider donating : )

 EasyMenu Plugin 1.7.2 Download Link

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