Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 11, 2013

Conquest Plugin 1.7.2

The famous Conquest mode from the Battlefield Games comes to Minecraft!

With an easy way to setup, you can start very quickly!

How it works:

You have two team, Team Red and Team Blue. Both Teams start with the same amount of tickets, wich are reduced by deaths or taken Flags. There are 5 Flags, wich can be taken by standing next to them. If the Flag reaches 100%, the enemy Team constantly loses Tickets. The Team wich reaches 0 Tickets loses.

So far it contains:

  • Stats shown in the Scoreboard

  • two Teams

  • five captureable Points (called Flags)

  • a Timer

  • tickets

How to get started

  1. download the latest .jar File

  2. put it in your plugins Folder and start/restart your Server

  3. go in the config File and edit the world in wich you want to play

  4. reload your Server

  5. set the Spawn-Points/Flags with “/c set <Flag>” (Details below)

  6. let the Players join

  7. everybody has to join a Team witch “/c join”

  8. start the Game with “/c start”

  9. Capture the Points or kill your Enemies to bring theire tickets to 0

  10. the Team who reaches 0 tickets, loses


If a player hasn’t joined a Team, he can damage and kill all persons!

I suggest use it as the only plugin/game on your server, because it might affect other games!


/c equals /conquest!

/c join | join the smaler Team

/c leave | leave your current Team

/c list | lists both Teams Players

/c spawn <Flag> | Sets Spawnpoint to A,B,C,D,E or Spawn (you must have captured the Flag to 100%)

/c start | start the Match (must be op)

/c stop | stop the Match (must be op)

/c set <flag> | Set the Flags/Spawns, there are the Flags A,B,C,D and E. And the Spawns: Red, Blue and Spawn (Spawn is for all Players in no team) (must be op)


Not done yet!


GameWorld: the world Conquest should run (String)

tickets: amount of tickets a Team has at the Beginning (Integer)

ticketsLosePerFlag: Amount of tickets the enemy Team loses per Flag you have captured (Double)

percentPerPerson: the speed of how fast one Person takes a Flag (so if its 5 and one Person is taking it, you get 5% per second) (Integer)

forceGM: true/false if true, everybody is forced to Gamemode Adventure (only Op, wich aren’t playing won’t be affected)

showWelcome: true/false Toggle the Welcome Message

WelcomeMsg: Message shown when someone joins the Server

AutoRestart: true/false Toggle if after a Round a new one starts

maxPlayer: maximum Amount of Players (Red Team + Blue Team)


  • there is some work to do, these are just the major points!

  • add Ability to give the Players Kits (wip)

Conquest Plugin 1.7.2 Download Link

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