blFriends allows players to manage friends, teleport and send gifts to friends, gain double XP when killing monsters with friends and more!
1) Testers.
Someone who has a server and people to test plugin updates with, this means you would be testing unstable plugin updates, sending feedback/bug reports to me after each update testing.
2) Tutorial/Guide creators.
Write detailed guides and tutorials for plugin features, if can do youtube guide/tutorial video, that would be awesome but not required.
If you are intrest to help me with previous mentioned “jobs”, send me private message!
Servers using blFriends
Name | IP | Minecraft version |
FlipzCraft | | 1.6.2 |
Dev Server | | 1.6.2 |
Current features
- Disable features at certain worlds.
- Friends only chat mode.
- Send and accept friend invites.
- Send gifts and teleport to your friends
- Disable PVP between friends.
- Extra XP gain if player kills monster or mines blocks with their friend(s).
- Admin can disable/disable each feature for all players.
- Players can disable incoming friend invites, gifts and teleport requests.
- Optional cooldown support for teleporting and gift sending.
- Configure all the plugin messages including color.
- blf.use
Allows players to send invites and list friends.
- blf.admin
Allows to use /blf reload and /blf admin commands.
- blf.version
Allows to use /blf version command.
Allows players to use friend teleport feature.
Allows to use gift friend feature.
- blf.dxp
Allows players and their friends to receive bonus XP.
If “FriendChat-Permissions” is set to true from config.yml, players must have this permission node to use /blf chat command.
- blf.nolimit
Allows to invite and be invited even if player has more friends compared to “FriendLimit-Amount” line defined at blFriends configure file.
- /blf reload
Reload config.yml file, works from in-game and console.
- /blf version
Check plugin version and for possible updates/new versions, works from in-game and console.
- /blf list
List all your friends.
- /blf online
List all your online friends.
- /blf invite (player)
Send invite to player (sending another invite before last target accepts will cancel previous invite).
- /blf add (player)
Accept friend invite.
- /blf remove (player)
Remove player from your friend list, name must be 100% correct including proper uppercase and lowercase letters
- /blf chat
Enable/disable friends only chat mode.
- /blf gift (player)
Send item in your hand as gift to your friend inventory (if you hold 10 woods while typing this, you´ll send those 10 woods to your friend)
- /blf tp (player)
Teleport to your friend (instant).
- /blf tp|gift|invites
Toggle to enable/disable one of the features, if you disable certain feature no player can use that feature to you. Example first time using /blf tp would disable all /blf tp (player) attempts, type /blf tp again to enable them.
/blf admin tp|gift|dexp|bexp|cgifts|chat|limit|region
Toggle to enable/disable one of the features, if you disable certain feature no player can use that feature. Example first time using /blf admin tp would disable /blf tp command for all players.
Note: example list found at config.yml.
World-Blocked-Features:- world:pvp- world:bxp- world_nether:giftBlocked-Regions-Features:- world:test:dxp- world:test:bxp- world_nether:test:tp
World-Blocked-Features: <world>:<feature>
Blocked-Regions-Features: <world>:<region>:<feature>
1) Remember to Use only lowercase letters for world names.
2) Following features are possible to block.
dxp = double EXP from monsters.
bxp = double EXP from blocks.
tp = /blf tp command.
gift = /blf gift command.
If you wish to block features from regions be sure to set “Region-Support: true” from config.yml BEFORE starting server or you have to restart server in order to enable/disable region support.
blFriends Plugin 1.6.4 Download Links
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