This is the core of my farming mod, plus the other mods that are to follow. It’s comprised of a number of flexible classes that extend the functionality of vanilla blocks and items, and a JSON parser that reads in one or more configuration files and turns them into in-game content. The benefit of doing things this way should be apparent – modifying content no longer requires me to recompile and re-release the mod, all you need to do is download a new configuration file, or even edit it yourself. Better yet, additional content may also be added with extra configuration files and images!
- Install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod .zip file from the link at the bottom of this post
- Put the .zip into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it. Then rename it to
- Done.
New Stuff:
- added tortillas, tacos, burritos and corn chips
- added optional Foraging Rod item crafted from stick and a diamond. Lasts longer and performs better than foraging stick. Can forage almost any new seed type from tall grass. Rename “_foragingrod.xie” to “foragingrod.xie” to enable.
- fixed lettuce drops and hybrid seeds name (thx JT’!)
- moved seasalt spawning into spawns.xie
- reduced distance from water that seasalt can spawn to 2 from the default 6
- increased the sparcity of seasalt spawns
- decreased rate of salt pan spawns, but increased their cluster size
- decreased spawn chance for all wild plants and trees
- removed tree spawns from plains
- added apple, orange and cocoa trees to jungle biomes
- added a bunch of extra biome names from ExtraBiomesXL
- slightly reduced lettuce seed drops
- reduced nominal seed drops of onions
- slightly increased nominal seed drops of carrots
- added wheat <-> 3:seeds exchange recipes
- reduced corn cob drop rate significantly
- reduced food restored for corn and cooked corn
- reduced hybrid seed drop rate from hybrid wheat
- slightly reduced drop rate of tomatoes
- slightly reduced drop rate of cotton
- flower bushes now always produce exactly 1 flower when harvested
- reduced drop rates of flower seeds from flower bushes
- increased number of uses and reduced block break chance for foraging stick
- slightly reduced all seed drop chances for foraging stick
- moved tea leaf forage drop to shrub
- moved lettuce forage drop to tall grass
- added lettuce seeds forage drop to shrub
- added tomato seed forage drops to wild tomato
- slightly reduced guacamole food amount (now it’s basically mushroom soup)
- deleted sapling drops from fruit trees
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