Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 1, 2015

Tropicraft Mod


What is Tropicraft?

Tropicraft adds a whole new dimension, for those of us who love the beach.






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How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.

  • Download the mod.

  • Go to %appdata%.

  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.

  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.

  • If one does not exist you can create one.

  • Enjoy the mod.

To get into the realm:

  1. Get materials:

    • Bamboo

    • Coconut chunks (Break a coconut with a sword)

    • A pineapple

    • Wool (Possible colors are red, yellow, light blue, magenta and green)

  2. Make a bamboo mug:

    Tropicraft Mod

  3. Make a Pina Colada:

    Tropicraft Mod

  4. Make a chair (Can be any of the previously listed colors):

    Tropicraft Mod

  5. Place the chair

  6. At sunset, drink the Pina Coloda

  7. Profit!

Note: Due to Block/Item IDs changing, old worlds will be incompatible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Setting up an SMP server

Do NOT delete meta-inf in the server! This renders the server jarfile corrupt.

You will need:

  • Minecraft Forge

  • Tropicraft

  1. Grab minecraft_server.jar

  2. Install Minecraft Forge using the installer

  3. Install the same way as the client!

  4. Have fun! (This step is important!)



  • Fixed a crash with sea turtle eggs, when they are supposed to hatch they instead crashed the game!

  • Added fire pit texture, thanks to our newest helper, OblivionKing13x!

Tropicraft Mod Download Links:

For 1.6.4

For 1.5.2

Older versions:

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