What it can do?
- ResourcePack Workbench is a standalone application, much like Texture Ender or Unstitcher.
- It’s an IDE for Resource Packs, allowing easy manipulation of pack files, merging resource packs and editing assets.
- RPW can be used to edit other packs, combine them, or create entirely new ones.
- Preview of textures and text files is included
- One-click editing using GIMP or other application of your choice (config file)
- Working inheritance, much like in CSS
- One-click replacement of sounds with silence
- And much more!
Editing something
Project Properties
Some sound editing
Built-in help
Dialog asking to select MC version
How to run it:
- That’s easy, if it works, you can just click it and it will start.
- If not, right-click it and open in Java Runtime Environment
- If you want command line option, do: java -jar RPW.jar
Configuring the file editors (Images & Stuff):
- The application was built in Linux, so the “edit” buttons won’t work on Windows.
- To fix that, go to Options→Configure editors and using the buttons there,
find the EXEs of your favorite editors. - The same, of course, applies to Mac and Linux, if the buttons don’t work, select the right editors.
- To run RPW, you need Java 6 and Minecraft 1.6.2+
- With MC 1.5 or older, it will just not work.
- The latest update works fine on all platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac); The edit buttons won’t work unless you configure editors using the Settings dialog.
- Patch to support new launcher version
- Fixed bug in export routine
- Possibly better support for Windows
- Added scrolling log window
- Last 10 runtime logs are now archived
- New icons in alert dialogs
ResourcePack Workbench Tool Download Links:
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